lingo mingo

For a very long time, I have been contemplating on writing blog and finally I gather my courage and here we are. The second post of the blog. To be honest, I have written blog before and I kept deleting them over and over again because I wasn't confident about my writing. I always admire people with blogs and books. It seems that they have the knack in expressing themselves whereas I think I kinda suck in it. There is so many thoughts inside my head and it was so messy and cluttered that I usually felt so overwhelmed by it. I don't know if anyone felt this way (although I pretty sure some people do).

Among of the things that always make me hesitate when writing are the style of writing or what kind of language should I write, does my grammar okay and often enough, I question myself of my ability to write. I know that I am not an amazing writer but I have this huge desire to be one and it makes me became skeptical with myself. Therefore, I scared myself into writing. Countless time. Nevertheless, I feel as that I have done some injustice to myself and therefore I taken up writing again and I hope that this one last for a very long time.

As a Malaysian, I speak 2 languages pretty fluently (although my English are definitely better than my mother tongue) I am in dilemma on what language should I write my blog in (although I have figured that one out after some time) and as a result of that, I was reminded of Noam Chomsky.

I used to read book about him and instantly, I admired him for his patient and his arguments in psychology. According to Wikipedia, Noam Chomsky is a linguist, philosopher, cognitive scientist, historian and social critic. People sometimes described him as "the father of modern linguistics", not forgetting that he's also a major figure in analytic philosophy and one of the founder in the field of cognitive science. 

I still remember in one of my classes where we talked about the voices in our head and Noam Chomsky's theory discussed about the principles of our language structure. Side note, Chomsky treat language as learned behaviour and I am able to relate to his opinion strongly. This is due to the fact that although I speak 2 languages, I find myself became more comfortable in speaking and writing in English as I have spent my high school years outside of Malaysia. 

On negative side, I often feel that I should improve my Bahasa because on the scale of 1 - 10 (10 being excellent), I think my Bahasa is on level 5 where I can safely say that I am not proud of myself because of that. On the whole, it is awesome to write again (although I definitely will rewriting the same post over and over again) but I guess all of us have to start somewhere right? 


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