Tiny Tots

I used to despise myself for being short. There have been times that I wish and prayed that I could become taller. Or rather, 'normal tall'. I don't know if 'normal tall' is a proper word but I mean that. Literally. Socialising with others my age, I used to notice how short I am. Notably short. Being only a 4.5ft (probably shorter but I have proportionate body therefore, people cannot categorised me under midget or dwarf) makes me feel so insecure about myself. The differences in height are so overwhelming especially when you in European country and most of your friends are over 5ft and they are still growing (whereas I think I stopped already). In addition, I am also a dark skinned where often enough where I come from, being a dark skinned individual aren't considered as beautiful so if you can imagine, being a short and dark skinned individual...the odds are definitely not in my favours. 

Be that as it may, as I'm getting older being short and dark skinned does not seems to matter anymore. I don't think that I have gotten rid of that particular insecurities but there are times, I am able to appreciate my height as well as the colour of my skin. Come to think of it, I enjoy short people jokes more than ever and able to laugh at them wholeheartedly. Reminiscence back to the times where I am extra-sensitive about my height makes me a bit embarrassed of myself.

Generally speaking, throughout my life there have been many people including family members, friends and strangers whom questions my height up to the point that I feel offended but then, there are people that makes me feel glad that I am born and grow into these height of mine. One of those precious friend called me 'Tiny Tots' with a very endearing tone of voice and with that precious memories I shall dedicated positive mindset of mind in this blog. Fatima, is one of people that I met in my life whom absolutely loved my height as well as enjoyed my existence. Although I am very awkward at that period of my life...I am very thankful that I met her. 

And so, I guess..this first post of mine have become an appreciation post towards precious people in my life. Below, I include a picture of short people problem that I think spot on with short people problem. It's funny I tell you!


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